With heartfelt gratitude!
On behalf of Minnesotans with hearing loss, Loop Minnesota thanks the Minnesota Commission for the Deaf, Deafblind and Hard of Hearing (MNCDHH), the Minnesota Broadcasters Association as well as all of the stations who donate valuable airtime for making this Telecoils and Hearing Loops PSA possible.
Thank you for helping raise awareness on this important technology, which can greatly ease the understanding of speech in loud places. The following 30 seconds might change lives – for better hearing and maybe for embarking on a mission of telecoils and hearing loops advocacy.
So, what does listening through telecoils and hearing loops sound like? Try this sound demonstration taken in a New York Subway station, which is a very difficult sound environment. For now, the only way to understand speech-in-noise more clearly is by means of telecoils and hearing loops.
Pretty amazing! I remember the first time that I listened through a loop by means of my hearing aid telecoil. No more straining to understand. The Loop Minnesota website has a list if loops in and around Minnesota. Would it not be wonderful to grow that list?
In the end, it is up to those with hearing loss to determine what they want and what helps them. Again, thank you to all who make it possible for people to learn about this technology with a much-needed Telecoils and Hearing Loops PSA.